深入理解 Kubernetes Scheduler Framework 调度框架(Part 2)

Scheduler Framework 框架核心源码与 Pod 调度到 Node 流程

Posted by 陈谭军 on Sunday, April 7, 2024 | 阅读 |,阅读约 26 分钟

Scheduler 分两个 cycle:Scheduling Cycle 和 Binding Cycle。在 Scheduling Cycle 中为了提升效率的一个重要原则就是 Pod、 Node 等信息从本地缓存中获取,而具体的实现原理就是先使用 list 获取所有 Node、Pod 的信息,然后再 watch 他们的变化更新本地缓存。在 Bind Cycle 中,会有两次外部 api 调用:调用 pv controller 绑定 pv 和调用 kube-apiserver 绑定 Node,api 调用是耗时的,所以将 bind 扩展点拆分出来,另起一个 go 协程进行 bind。调度周期是串行,绑定周期是并行的。 本文主要介绍 Scheduler Framework 框架核心源码与 Pod 调度到 Node 流程。

深入理解 Kubernetes Scheduler Framework 调度框架(Part 4)
深入理解 Kubernetes Scheduler Framework 调度框架(Part 3)
深入理解 Kubernetes Scheduler Framework 调度框架(Part 2)
深入理解 Kubernetes Scheduler Framework 调度框架(Part 1)


依据 Kubernetes 1.29 源码 v1.29.3/pkg/scheduler/internal/cache/cache.go 说说 scheduler 是怎么工作。我们来重点分析 SchedulerProfiles、SchedulerQueue、SchedulerCache、NextPod 和 SchedulePod、Informer 等核心组件是如何工作的。


在上面的整体架构中,看到 Scheduler Framework 是按照如下顺利进行拓展的,在拓展点内按照插件注册的顺利执行插件,如下所示:

// Scheduler watches for new unscheduled pods. It attempts to find
// nodes that they fit on and writes bindings back to the api server.
type Scheduler struct {
	// It is expected that changes made via Cache will be observed
	// by NodeLister and Algorithm.
	Cache internalcache.Cache

	Extenders []framework.Extender

	// NextPod should be a function that blocks until the next pod
	// is available. We don't use a channel for this, because scheduling
	// a pod may take some amount of time and we don't want pods to get
	// stale while they sit in a channel.
	NextPod func(logger klog.Logger) (*framework.QueuedPodInfo, error)

	// FailureHandler is called upon a scheduling failure.
	FailureHandler FailureHandlerFn

	// SchedulePod tries to schedule the given pod to one of the nodes in the node list.
	// Return a struct of ScheduleResult with the name of suggested host on success,
	// otherwise will return a FitError with reasons.
	SchedulePod func(ctx context.Context, fwk framework.Framework, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod) (ScheduleResult, error)

	// Close this to shut down the scheduler.
	StopEverything <-chan struct{}

	// SchedulingQueue holds pods to be scheduled
	SchedulingQueue internalqueue.SchedulingQueue

	// Profiles are the scheduling profiles.
	Profiles profile.Map

	client clientset.Interface

	nodeInfoSnapshot *internalcache.Snapshot

	percentageOfNodesToScore int32

	nextStartNodeIndex int

	// logger *must* be initialized when creating a Scheduler,
	// otherwise logging functions will access a nil sink and
	// panic.
	logger klog.Logger

	// registeredHandlers contains the registrations of all handlers. It's used to check if all handlers have finished syncing before the scheduling cycles start.
	registeredHandlers []cache.ResourceEventHandlerRegistration

以 preFilter 为例,扩展点内的插件,你既可以调整插件的执行顺序,可以关闭某个内置插件,还可以增加自己开发的插件,如下所示:

那么自定义插件又是怎么注册的?Scheduler 里面有最重要的一个成员 Profiles profile.Map。从 pkg/scheduler/profile/profile.go#L46 中可以看到 Profiles 是一个 key 为 scheduler name,value 是 framework.Framework 的 map,表示根据 scheduler name 来获取 framework.Framework 类型的值,如下调度器配置文件:

apiVersion: kubescheduler.config.k8s.io/v1beta2
kind: KubeSchedulerConfiguration
  leaderElect: true
  kubeconfig: "/etc/kubernetes/scheduler.conf"
- schedulerName: my-scheduler-1
        - name: ZoneNodeLabel
        - name: NodePorts
- schedulerName: my-scheduler-2
        - name: MySort

通过配置文件,可以使用 enabled,disabled 开关来关闭或打开某个插件,还可以控制扩展点的调用顺序,规则如下:

  • 如果某个扩展点没有配置对应的扩展,调度框架将使用默认插件中的扩展;
  • 如果为某个扩展点配置且激活了扩展,则调度框架将先调用默认插件的扩展,再调用配置中的扩展;
  • 默认插件的扩展始终被最先调用,然后按照 KubeSchedulerConfiguration 中扩展的激活 enabled 顺序逐个调用扩展点的扩展;
  • 可以先禁用默认插件的扩展,然后在 enabled 列表中的某个位置激活默认插件的扩展,这种做法可以改变默认插件的扩展被调用时的顺序; 更多 profile 调度规则可参见 https://v1-28.docs.kubernetes.io/docs/reference/scheduling/config/

通过 profile 如何获取到具体的 framework 调度框架?当一个 Pod 需要被调度的时候,kube-scheduler 会先取出 Pod 的 schedulerName 字段的值,然后通过 Profiles[schedulerName],拿到 framework.Framework 对象,进而使用这个对象开始调度。现在 Profiles 成员(一个map)包含了两个元素,{“my-scheduler-1”: framework.Framework ,“my-scheduler-2”: framework.Framework},如下所示:

见 pkg/scheduler/framework/interface.go 源码,下面是 framework.Framework 的定义。

// Framework manages the set of plugins in use by the scheduling framework.
// Configured plugins are called at specified points in a scheduling context.
type Framework interface {

	// PreEnqueuePlugins returns the registered preEnqueue plugins.
	PreEnqueuePlugins() []PreEnqueuePlugin

	// EnqueueExtensions returns the registered Enqueue extensions.
	EnqueueExtensions() []EnqueueExtensions

	// QueueSortFunc returns the function to sort pods in scheduling queue
	QueueSortFunc() LessFunc

	// RunPreFilterPlugins runs the set of configured PreFilter plugins. It returns
	// *Status and its code is set to non-success if any of the plugins returns
	// anything but Success. If a non-success status is returned, then the scheduling
	// cycle is aborted.
	// It also returns a PreFilterResult, which may influence what or how many nodes to
	// evaluate downstream.
	RunPreFilterPlugins(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, pod *v1.Pod) (*PreFilterResult, *Status)

	// RunPostFilterPlugins runs the set of configured PostFilter plugins.
	// PostFilter plugins can either be informational, in which case should be configured
	// to execute first and return Unschedulable status, or ones that try to change the
	// cluster state to make the pod potentially schedulable in a future scheduling cycle.
	RunPostFilterPlugins(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, filteredNodeStatusMap NodeToStatusMap) (*PostFilterResult, *Status)
	// Close calls Close method of each plugin.
	Close() error

Framework 是一个接口,需要实现的方法大部分为 RunXXXPlugins(),也就是运行某个扩展点的插件,那么只要实现这个 Framework 接口就可以对 Pod 进行调度。kube-scheduler 目前已有接口实现 frameworkImpl,见 pkg/scheduler/framework/runtime/framework.go。frameworkImpl 包含每个扩展点插件数组,所以某个扩展点要被执行的时候,只要遍历这个数组里面的所有插件,然后执行这些插件就可以。

// frameworkImpl is the component responsible for initializing and running scheduler
// plugins.
type frameworkImpl struct {
	registry             Registry
	snapshotSharedLister framework.SharedLister
	waitingPods          *waitingPodsMap
	scorePluginWeight    map[string]int
	preEnqueuePlugins    []framework.PreEnqueuePlugin
	enqueueExtensions    []framework.EnqueueExtensions
	queueSortPlugins     []framework.QueueSortPlugin
	preFilterPlugins     []framework.PreFilterPlugin
	filterPlugins        []framework.FilterPlugin
	postFilterPlugins    []framework.PostFilterPlugin
	preScorePlugins      []framework.PreScorePlugin
	scorePlugins         []framework.ScorePlugin
	reservePlugins       []framework.ReservePlugin
	preBindPlugins       []framework.PreBindPlugin
	bindPlugins          []framework.BindPlugin
	postBindPlugins      []framework.PostBindPlugin
	permitPlugins        []framework.PermitPlugin

	// pluginsMap contains all plugins, by name.
	pluginsMap map[string]framework.Plugin

	clientSet       clientset.Interface
	kubeConfig      *restclient.Config
	eventRecorder   events.EventRecorder
	informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory
	logger          klog.Logger

	metricsRecorder          *metrics.MetricAsyncRecorder
	profileName              string
	percentageOfNodesToScore *int32

	extenders []framework.Extender

	parallelizer parallelize.Parallelizer

在 pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins 目录下包含了所有内置插件对 Plugin 接口的实现,framework.FilterPlugin 定义如下所示:

// Plugin is the parent type for all the scheduling framework plugins.
type Plugin interface {
	Name() string

// FilterPlugin is an interface for Filter plugins. These plugins are called at the
// filter extension point for filtering out hosts that cannot run a pod.
// This concept used to be called 'predicate' in the original scheduler.
// These plugins should return "Success", "Unschedulable" or "Error" in Status.code.
// However, the scheduler accepts other valid codes as well.
// Anything other than "Success" will lead to exclusion of the given host from
// running the pod.
type FilterPlugin interface {
	// Filter is called by the scheduling framework.
	// All FilterPlugins should return "Success" to declare that
	// the given node fits the pod. If Filter doesn't return "Success",
	// it will return "Unschedulable", "UnschedulableAndUnresolvable" or "Error".
	// For the node being evaluated, Filter plugins should look at the passed
	// nodeInfo reference for this particular node's information (e.g., pods
	// considered to be running on the node) instead of looking it up in the
	// NodeInfoSnapshot because we don't guarantee that they will be the same.
	// For example, during preemption, we may pass a copy of the original
	// nodeInfo object that has some pods removed from it to evaluate the
	// possibility of preempting them to schedule the target pod.
	Filter(ctx context.Context, state *CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *NodeInfo) *Status

这些默认插件是怎么加到 framework?主要步骤如下所示:

  • 根据配置文件(–config 指定的)、系统默认插件,按照扩展点生成需要被加载的插件数组(包括插件名称,权重),也就是初始化 KubeSchedulerConfiguration 中的 Profiles 成员;
  • 创建 registry 集合,这个集合内是每个插件实例化函数,也就是插件名称到插件实例化函数的映射;
  • 将上述步骤1中每个扩展点的每个插件(就是插件名字)拿出来,去步骤2的映射(map)中获取实例化函数,然后运行这个实例化函数,最后把这个实例化出来的插件(可以被运行的)追加到上面提到过的 frameworkImpl 对应扩展点数组中,这样后面要运行某个扩展点插件的时候遍历运行就可以;
// PluginFactory is a function that builds a plugin.
type PluginFactory = func(ctx context.Context, configuration runtime.Object, f framework.Handle) (framework.Plugin, error)

// PluginFactoryWithFts is a function that builds a plugin with certain feature gates.
type PluginFactoryWithFts func(context.Context, runtime.Object, framework.Handle, plfeature.Features) (framework.Plugin, error)

// Registry is a collection of all available plugins. The framework uses a
// registry to enable and initialize configured plugins.
// All plugins must be in the registry before initializing the framework.
type Registry map[string]PluginFactory

包含内置(叫inTree)默认的插件映射和用户自定义(outOfTree)插件映射,内置的映射通过下面函数创建(见源码 pkg/scheduler/framework/plugins/registry.go)。

// NewInTreeRegistry builds the registry with all the in-tree plugins.
// A scheduler that runs out of tree plugins can register additional plugins
// through the WithFrameworkOutOfTreeRegistry option.
func NewInTreeRegistry() runtime.Registry {
	fts := plfeature.Features{
		EnableDynamicResourceAllocation:              feature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.DynamicResourceAllocation),
		EnableVolumeCapacityPriority:                 feature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.VolumeCapacityPriority),
		EnableNodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread: feature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.NodeInclusionPolicyInPodTopologySpread),
		EnableMatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread:      feature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.MatchLabelKeysInPodTopologySpread),
		EnablePodDisruptionConditions:                feature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.PodDisruptionConditions),
		EnableInPlacePodVerticalScaling:              feature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.InPlacePodVerticalScaling),
		EnableSidecarContainers:                      feature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.SidecarContainers),

	registry := runtime.Registry{
		dynamicresources.Name:                runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, dynamicresources.New),
		imagelocality.Name:                   imagelocality.New,
		tainttoleration.Name:                 tainttoleration.New,
		nodename.Name:                        nodename.New,
		nodeports.Name:                       nodeports.New,
		nodeaffinity.Name:                    nodeaffinity.New,
		podtopologyspread.Name:               runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, podtopologyspread.New),
		nodeunschedulable.Name:               nodeunschedulable.New,
		noderesources.Name:                   runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, noderesources.NewFit),
		noderesources.BalancedAllocationName: runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, noderesources.NewBalancedAllocation),
		volumebinding.Name:                   runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, volumebinding.New),
		volumerestrictions.Name:              runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, volumerestrictions.New),
		volumezone.Name:                      volumezone.New,
		nodevolumelimits.CSIName:             runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, nodevolumelimits.NewCSI),
		nodevolumelimits.EBSName:             runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, nodevolumelimits.NewEBS),
		nodevolumelimits.GCEPDName:           runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, nodevolumelimits.NewGCEPD),
		nodevolumelimits.AzureDiskName:       runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, nodevolumelimits.NewAzureDisk),
		nodevolumelimits.CinderName:          runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, nodevolumelimits.NewCinder),
		interpodaffinity.Name:                interpodaffinity.New,
		queuesort.Name:                       queuesort.New,
		defaultbinder.Name:                   defaultbinder.New,
		defaultpreemption.Name:               runtime.FactoryAdapter(fts, defaultpreemption.New),
		schedulinggates.Name:                 schedulinggates.New,

	return registry

用户自定义插件见源码 pkg/scheduler/scheduler.go,如下所示:

// pkg/scheduler/scheduler.go
registry := frameworkplugins.NewInTreeRegistry()

if err := registry.Merge(options.frameworkOutOfTreeRegistry); err != nil {
    return nil, err


SchedulerQueue 见源码 pkg/scheduler/scheduler.go 如下所示:

podQueue := internalqueue.NewSchedulingQueue(

// NewSchedulingQueue initializes a priority queue as a new scheduling queue.
func NewSchedulingQueue(
	lessFn framework.LessFunc,
	informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory,
	opts ...Option) SchedulingQueue {
	return NewPriorityQueue(lessFn, informerFactory, opts...)

// PriorityQueue implements a scheduling queue.
// The head of PriorityQueue is the highest priority pending pod. This structure
// has two sub queues and a additional data structure, namely: activeQ,
// backoffQ and unschedulablePods.
//   - activeQ holds pods that are being considered for scheduling.
//   - backoffQ holds pods that moved from unschedulablePods and will move to
//     activeQ when their backoff periods complete.
//   - unschedulablePods holds pods that were already attempted for scheduling and
//     are currently determined to be unschedulable.
type PriorityQueue struct {

	stop  chan struct{}
	clock clock.Clock

	// pod initial backoff duration.
	podInitialBackoffDuration time.Duration
	// pod maximum backoff duration.
	podMaxBackoffDuration time.Duration
	// the maximum time a pod can stay in the unschedulablePods.
	podMaxInUnschedulablePodsDuration time.Duration

	cond sync.Cond

	// inFlightPods holds the UID of all pods which have been popped out for which Done
	// hasn't been called yet - in other words, all pods that are currently being
	// processed (being scheduled, in permit, or in the binding cycle).
	// The values in the map are the entry of each pod in the inFlightEvents list.
	// The value of that entry is the *v1.Pod at the time that scheduling of that
	// pod started, which can be useful for logging or debugging.
	inFlightPods map[types.UID]*list.Element

	// inFlightEvents holds the events received by the scheduling queue
	// (entry value is clusterEvent) together with in-flight pods (entry
	// value is *v1.Pod). Entries get added at the end while the mutex is
	// locked, so they get serialized.
	// The pod entries are added in Pop and used to track which events
	// occurred after the pod scheduling attempt for that pod started.
	// They get removed when the scheduling attempt is done, at which
	// point all events that occurred in the meantime are processed.
	// After removal of a pod, events at the start of the list are no
	// longer needed because all of the other in-flight pods started
	// later. Those events can be removed.
	inFlightEvents *list.List

	// activeQ is heap structure that scheduler actively looks at to find pods to
	// schedule. Head of heap is the highest priority pod.
	activeQ *heap.Heap
	// podBackoffQ is a heap ordered by backoff expiry. Pods which have completed backoff
	// are popped from this heap before the scheduler looks at activeQ
	podBackoffQ *heap.Heap
	// unschedulablePods holds pods that have been tried and determined unschedulable.
	unschedulablePods *UnschedulablePods
	// schedulingCycle represents sequence number of scheduling cycle and is incremented
	// when a pod is popped.
	schedulingCycle int64
	// moveRequestCycle caches the sequence number of scheduling cycle when we
	// received a move request. Unschedulable pods in and before this scheduling
	// cycle will be put back to activeQueue if we were trying to schedule them
	// when we received move request.
	// TODO: this will be removed after SchedulingQueueHint goes to stable and the feature gate is removed.
	moveRequestCycle int64

	// preEnqueuePluginMap is keyed with profile name, valued with registered preEnqueue plugins.
	preEnqueuePluginMap map[string][]framework.PreEnqueuePlugin
	// queueingHintMap is keyed with profile name, valued with registered queueing hint functions.
	queueingHintMap QueueingHintMapPerProfile

	// closed indicates that the queue is closed.
	// It is mainly used to let Pop() exit its control loop while waiting for an item.
	closed bool

	nsLister listersv1.NamespaceLister

	metricsRecorder metrics.MetricAsyncRecorder
	// pluginMetricsSamplePercent is the percentage of plugin metrics to be sampled.
	pluginMetricsSamplePercent int

	// isSchedulingQueueHintEnabled indicates whether the feature gate for the scheduling queue is enabled.
	isSchedulingQueueHintEnabled bool

SchedulingQueue 是一个 internalqueue.SchedulingQueue 接口类型,PriorityQueue 对这个接口进行了实现,创建 Scheduler 的时候 SchedulingQueue 会被 PriorityQueue 类型对象赋值。SchedulerQueue 包含三个队列:activeQ、podBackoffQ、unschedulablePods。

  • activeQ 是一个优先队列,基于堆实现,用于存放待调度的 Pod,优先级高的会放在队列头部,优先被调度。该队列存放的 Pod 可能的情况有:刚创建未被调度的Pod;backOffPod 队列中转移过来的Pod;unschedule 队列里转移过来的 Pod;
  • podBackoffQ 也是一个优先队列,用于存放那些异常的Pod,这种 Pod 需要等待一定的时间才能够被再次调度,会有协程定期去读取这个队列,然后加入到 activeQ 队列然后重新调度;
  • unschedulablePods 严格上来说不属于队列,用于存放调度失败的 Pod。这个队列也会有协程定期(默认30s)去读取,然后判断当前时间距离上次调度时间的差是否超过5min,如果超过这个时间则把 Pod 移动到 activeQ 重新调度;

PriorityQueue 还有两个方法 flushBackoffQCompleted 与 flushUnschedulablePodsLeftover。

  • flushUnschedulablePodsLeftover:调度失败的 Pod 如果满足一定条件,这个函数会将这种 Pod 移动到 activeQ 或 podBackoffQ;
  • flushBackoffQCompleted:运行异常的 Pod 等待时间完成后,flushBackoffQCompleted 将该 Pod 移动到 activeQ;
// Run starts the goroutine to pump from podBackoffQ to activeQ
func (p *PriorityQueue) Run(logger klog.Logger) {
	go wait.Until(func() {
	}, 1.0*time.Second, p.stop)
	go wait.Until(func() {
	}, 30*time.Second, p.stop)

Scheduler 在启动的时候,会创建2个协程来定期运行这两个函数。除了周期性的执行上述函数,还有新节点加入集群、节点配置或状态发生变化、已经存在的 Pod 发生变化、集群内有Pod被删除等事件会触发。


scheduler Cache 缓存 Pod,Node 等信息,各个扩展点的插件在计算时所需要的 Node 和 Pod 信息都是从 scheduler Cache 获取。Scheduler 在启动时首先会 list 一份全量的 Pod 和 Node 数据到上述的缓存中,后续通过 watch 的方式发现变化的 Node 和 Pod,然后将变化的 Node 或 Pod 更新到上述缓存中。scheduler Cache 具体在内部是一个实现了 Cache 接口的结构体 cacheImpl,如下所示:

// Cache collects pods' information and provides node-level aggregated information.
// It's intended for generic scheduler to do efficient lookup.
// Cache's operations are pod centric. It does incremental updates based on pod events.
// Pod events are sent via network. We don't have guaranteed delivery of all events:
// We use Reflector to list and watch from remote.
// Reflector might be slow and do a relist, which would lead to missing events.
// State Machine of a pod's events in scheduler's cache:
//	+-------------------------------------------+  +----+
//	|                            Add            |  |    |
//	|                                           |  |    | Update
//	+      Assume                Add            v  v    |
// Initial +--------> Assumed +------------+---> Added <--+
//	^                +   +               |       +
//	|                |   |               |       |
//	|                |   |           Add |       | Remove
//	|                |   |               |       |
//	|                |   |               +       |
//	+----------------+   +-----------> Expired   +----> Deleted
//	      Forget             Expire
// Note that an assumed pod can expire, because if we haven't received Add event notifying us
// for a while, there might be some problems and we shouldn't keep the pod in cache anymore.
// Note that "Initial", "Expired", and "Deleted" pods do not actually exist in cache.
// Based on existing use cases, we are making the following assumptions:
//   - No pod would be assumed twice
//   - A pod could be added without going through scheduler. In this case, we will see Add but not Assume event.
//   - If a pod wasn't added, it wouldn't be removed or updated.
//   - Both "Expired" and "Deleted" are valid end states. In case of some problems, e.g. network issue,
//     a pod might have changed its state (e.g. added and deleted) without delivering notification to the cache.
type Cache interface {
	// NodeCount returns the number of nodes in the cache.
	// DO NOT use outside of tests.
	NodeCount() int

	// PodCount returns the number of pods in the cache (including those from deleted nodes).
	// DO NOT use outside of tests.
	PodCount() (int, error)

	// AssumePod assumes a pod scheduled and aggregates the pod's information into its node.
	// The implementation also decides the policy to expire pod before being confirmed (receiving Add event).
	// After expiration, its information would be subtracted.
	AssumePod(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) error

	// FinishBinding signals that cache for assumed pod can be expired
	FinishBinding(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) error

	// ForgetPod removes an assumed pod from cache.
	ForgetPod(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) error

	// AddPod either confirms a pod if it's assumed, or adds it back if it's expired.
	// If added back, the pod's information would be added again.
	AddPod(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) error

	// UpdatePod removes oldPod's information and adds newPod's information.
	UpdatePod(logger klog.Logger, oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) error

	// RemovePod removes a pod. The pod's information would be subtracted from assigned node.
	RemovePod(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) error

	// GetPod returns the pod from the cache with the same namespace and the
	// same name of the specified pod.
	GetPod(pod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, error)

	// IsAssumedPod returns true if the pod is assumed and not expired.
	IsAssumedPod(pod *v1.Pod) (bool, error)

	// AddNode adds overall information about node.
	// It returns a clone of added NodeInfo object.
	AddNode(logger klog.Logger, node *v1.Node) *framework.NodeInfo

	// UpdateNode updates overall information about node.
	// It returns a clone of updated NodeInfo object.
	UpdateNode(logger klog.Logger, oldNode, newNode *v1.Node) *framework.NodeInfo

	// RemoveNode removes overall information about node.
	RemoveNode(logger klog.Logger, node *v1.Node) error

	// UpdateSnapshot updates the passed infoSnapshot to the current contents of Cache.
	// The node info contains aggregated information of pods scheduled (including assumed to be)
	// on this node.
	// The snapshot only includes Nodes that are not deleted at the time this function is called.
	// nodeinfo.Node() is guaranteed to be not nil for all the nodes in the snapshot.
	UpdateSnapshot(logger klog.Logger, nodeSnapshot *Snapshot) error

	// Dump produces a dump of the current cache.
	Dump() *Dump

type cacheImpl struct {
	stop   <-chan struct{}
	ttl    time.Duration
	period time.Duration

	// This mutex guards all fields within this cache struct.
	mu sync.RWMutex
	// a set of assumed pod keys.
	// The key could further be used to get an entry in podStates.
	assumedPods sets.Set[string]
	// a map from pod key to podState.
	podStates map[string]*podState
	nodes     map[string]*nodeInfoListItem
	// headNode points to the most recently updated NodeInfo in "nodes". It is the
	// head of the linked list.
	headNode *nodeInfoListItem
	nodeTree *nodeTree
	// A map from image name to its ImageStateSummary.
	imageStates map[string]*framework.ImageStateSummary

cacheImpl 中的 nodes 存放集群内所有 Node 信息,podStates 存放所有 Pod 信息。assumedPods 存放已经调度成功但是还没调用 kube-apiserver 的进行绑定的(也就是还没有执行 bind 插件)的Pod,需要这个缓存的原因也是为了提升调度效率,将绑定和调度分开,因为绑定需要调用 kube-apiserver,所以 Scheduler 乐观的假设调度已经成功,然后返回去调度其他 Pod,而这个 Pod 就会放入 assumedPods 中,并且也会放入到 podStates 中,后续其他 Pod 在进行调度的时候,这个 Pod 也会在插件的计算范围内(如亲和性),然后会新起协程进行最后的绑定,要是最后绑定失败了,那么这个 Pod 的信息会从 assumedPods 和 podStates 移除,并且把这个 Pod 重新放入 activeQ 中,重新被调度。

NextPod 和 SchedulePod

Scheduler 中有个成员 NextPod 会从 activeQ 队列中尝试获取一个待调度的 Pod,该函数在 SchedulePod 中被调用,见源码 pkg/scheduler/scheduler.go,如下所示:

// Run begins watching and scheduling. It starts scheduling and blocked until the context is done.
func (sched *Scheduler) Run(ctx context.Context) {
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)

	// We need to start scheduleOne loop in a dedicated goroutine,
	// because scheduleOne function hangs on getting the next item
	// from the SchedulingQueue.
	// If there are no new pods to schedule, it will be hanging there
	// and if done in this goroutine it will be blocking closing
	// SchedulingQueue, in effect causing a deadlock on shutdown.
	go wait.UntilWithContext(ctx, sched.ScheduleOne, 0)


	// If the plugins satisfy the io.Closer interface, they are closed.
	err := sched.Profiles.Close()
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error(err, "Failed to close plugins")

// 尝试调度 Pod
// ScheduleOne does the entire scheduling workflow for a single pod. It is serialized on the scheduling algorithm's host fitting.
func (sched *Scheduler) ScheduleOne(ctx context.Context) {
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)
    // 会一直阻塞,直到获取到一个Pod
	podInfo, err := sched.NextPod(logger)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error(err, "Error while retrieving next pod from scheduling queue")
	// pod could be nil when schedulerQueue is closed
	if podInfo == nil || podInfo.Pod == nil {

	pod := podInfo.Pod
	// TODO(knelasevero): Remove duplicated keys from log entry calls
	// When contextualized logging hits GA
	// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/111672
	logger = klog.LoggerWithValues(logger, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	ctx = klog.NewContext(ctx, logger)
	logger.V(4).Info("About to try and schedule pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	fwk, err := sched.frameworkForPod(pod)
	if err != nil {
		// This shouldn't happen, because we only accept for scheduling the pods
		// which specify a scheduler name that matches one of the profiles.
		logger.Error(err, "Error occurred")
	if sched.skipPodSchedule(ctx, fwk, pod) {

	logger.V(3).Info("Attempting to schedule pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	// Synchronously attempt to find a fit for the pod.
	start := time.Now()
	state := framework.NewCycleState()
	state.SetRecordPluginMetrics(rand.Intn(100) < pluginMetricsSamplePercent)

	// Initialize an empty podsToActivate struct, which will be filled up by plugins or stay empty.
	podsToActivate := framework.NewPodsToActivate()
	state.Write(framework.PodsToActivateKey, podsToActivate)

	schedulingCycleCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	defer cancel()

	scheduleResult, assumedPodInfo, status := sched.schedulingCycle(schedulingCycleCtx, state, fwk, podInfo, start, podsToActivate)
	if !status.IsSuccess() {
		sched.FailureHandler(schedulingCycleCtx, fwk, assumedPodInfo, status, scheduleResult.nominatingInfo, start)

	// bind the pod to its host asynchronously (we can do this b/c of the assumption step above).
	go func() {
		bindingCycleCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
		defer cancel()

		defer metrics.Goroutines.WithLabelValues(metrics.Binding).Dec()

		status := sched.bindingCycle(bindingCycleCtx, state, fwk, scheduleResult, assumedPodInfo, start, podsToActivate)
		if !status.IsSuccess() {
			sched.handleBindingCycleError(bindingCycleCtx, state, fwk, assumedPodInfo, start, scheduleResult, status)
		// Usually, DonePod is called inside the scheduling queue,
		// but in this case, we need to call it here because this Pod won't go back to the scheduling queue.

Pop 会一直阻塞,直到 activeQ 长度大于0,然后去取出一个 Pod 返回,Pod() 函数如下所示:

// Pop removes the head of the active queue and returns it. It blocks if the
// activeQ is empty and waits until a new item is added to the queue. It
// increments scheduling cycle when a pod is popped.
func (p *PriorityQueue) Pop(logger klog.Logger) (*framework.QueuedPodInfo, error) {
	defer p.lock.Unlock()
	for p.activeQ.Len() == 0 {
		// When the queue is empty, invocation of Pop() is blocked until new item is enqueued.
		// When Close() is called, the p.closed is set and the condition is broadcast,
		// which causes this loop to continue and return from the Pop().
		if p.closed {
			logger.V(2).Info("Scheduling queue is closed")
			return nil, nil
	obj, err := p.activeQ.Pop()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	pInfo := obj.(*framework.QueuedPodInfo)
	// In flight, no concurrent events yet.
	if p.isSchedulingQueueHintEnabled {
		p.inFlightPods[pInfo.Pod.UID] = p.inFlightEvents.PushBack(pInfo.Pod)

	// Update metrics and reset the set of unschedulable plugins for the next attempt.
	for plugin := range pInfo.UnschedulablePlugins.Union(pInfo.PendingPlugins) {
		metrics.UnschedulableReason(plugin, pInfo.Pod.Spec.SchedulerName).Dec()

	return pInfo, nil


在 k8s 的所有组件包括 controller-manager,kube-proxy,kubelet 等都使用了 informer 来监听 kube-apiserver 来获取资源的变化。kube-scheduler 使用 informer 监听 Node, Pod, CSINode, CSIDriver, CSIStorageCapacity, PersistentVolume, PersistentVolumeClaim, StorageClass。为什么要监听后面那些资源呢?

后面的那些资源都是跟存储有关,在 preFilter 和 filter 扩展点的插件里面有 Volumebinding 这么一个插件,是检查系统当前是否能够满足 Pod 声明的 PVC,如果不能满足,那么只能把 Pod 放入 unscheduleableQ 里。但是如果系统可以满足 Pod 对存储的需要,Pod 需要第一时间能够被创建出来,所以系统必须要能够实时感知到系统 PVC 等资源的变化及时将 unscheduleableQ 里面调度失败的 Pod 进行重新调度。

Pod 调度过程

Pod 是怎么被调度到某个 Node,主要步骤如下所示:

  1. 【监听 Pod】从 activeQ 队列中获取需要被调度的 Pod;
  2. 【取出 Pod】在调度周期(Scheduling Cycle)运行每个扩展点的所有插件,给 Pod 选择一个最合适的 Node;
  3. 【调度 Pod】在绑定周期(Binding Cycle)将 Pod 绑定到选出来的 Node;

监听 Pod

kube-scheduler 会 list-watch Pod 事件,监测到 Pod 需要被调度后,将待调度的 Pod 分为两种情况:已经调度过的 Pod 和未调度的 Pod。

// addAllEventHandlers is a helper function used in tests and in Scheduler
// to add event handlers for various informers.
func addAllEventHandlers(
	sched *Scheduler,
	informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory,
	dynInformerFactory dynamicinformer.DynamicSharedInformerFactory,
	gvkMap map[framework.GVK]framework.ActionType,
) error {
	var (
		handlerRegistration cache.ResourceEventHandlerRegistration
		err                 error
		handlers            []cache.ResourceEventHandlerRegistration
	// scheduled pod cache
    // 已经调度过的 Pod 则加到本地缓存,并判断是加入到调度队列还是加入到backoff队列
	if handlerRegistration, err = informerFactory.Core().V1().Pods().Informer().AddEventHandler(
			FilterFunc: func(obj interface{}) bool {
				switch t := obj.(type) {
				case *v1.Pod:
					return assignedPod(t)
				case cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown:
					if _, ok := t.Obj.(*v1.Pod); ok {
						// The carried object may be stale, so we don't use it to check if
						// it's assigned or not. Attempting to cleanup anyways.
						return true
					utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to convert object %T to *v1.Pod in %T", obj, sched))
					return false
					utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to handle object in %T: %T", sched, obj))
					return false
			Handler: cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
				AddFunc:    sched.addPodToCache,
				UpdateFunc: sched.updatePodInCache,
				DeleteFunc: sched.deletePodFromCache,
	); err != nil {
		return err
	handlers = append(handlers, handlerRegistration)

	// unscheduled pod queue
    // 没有调度过的 Pod,放到调度队列
	if handlerRegistration, err = informerFactory.Core().V1().Pods().Informer().AddEventHandler(
			FilterFunc: func(obj interface{}) bool {
				switch t := obj.(type) {
				case *v1.Pod:
					return !assignedPod(t) && responsibleForPod(t, sched.Profiles)
				case cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown:
					if pod, ok := t.Obj.(*v1.Pod); ok {
						// The carried object may be stale, so we don't use it to check if
						// it's assigned or not.
						return responsibleForPod(pod, sched.Profiles)
					utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to convert object %T to *v1.Pod in %T", obj, sched))
					return false
					utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to handle object in %T: %T", sched, obj))
					return false
			Handler: cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
				AddFunc:    sched.addPodToSchedulingQueue,
				UpdateFunc: sched.updatePodInSchedulingQueue,
				DeleteFunc: sched.deletePodFromSchedulingQueue,
	); err != nil {
		return err
	handlers = append(handlers, handlerRegistration)

    // 监听 Node 事件
	if handlerRegistration, err = informerFactory.Core().V1().Nodes().Informer().AddEventHandler(
			AddFunc:    sched.addNodeToCache,
			UpdateFunc: sched.updateNodeInCache,
			DeleteFunc: sched.deleteNodeFromCache,
	); err != nil {
		return err
	handlers = append(handlers, handlerRegistration)

	logger := sched.logger
	buildEvtResHandler := func(at framework.ActionType, gvk framework.GVK, shortGVK string) cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs {
		funcs := cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{}
		if at&framework.Add != 0 {
			evt := framework.ClusterEvent{Resource: gvk, ActionType: framework.Add, Label: fmt.Sprintf("%vAdd", shortGVK)}
			funcs.AddFunc = func(obj interface{}) {
                // 将 Pod 加入 Active 队列或者 Backoff 队列
				sched.SchedulingQueue.MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, evt, nil, obj, nil)
		if at&framework.Update != 0 {
			evt := framework.ClusterEvent{Resource: gvk, ActionType: framework.Update, Label: fmt.Sprintf("%vUpdate", shortGVK)}
			funcs.UpdateFunc = func(old, obj interface{}) {
                // 将 Pod 加入 Active 队列或者 Backoff 队列
				sched.SchedulingQueue.MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, evt, old, obj, nil)
		if at&framework.Delete != 0 {
			evt := framework.ClusterEvent{Resource: gvk, ActionType: framework.Delete, Label: fmt.Sprintf("%vDelete", shortGVK)}
			funcs.DeleteFunc = func(obj interface{}) {
                // 将 Pod 加入 Active 队列或者 Backoff 队列
				sched.SchedulingQueue.MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, evt, obj, nil, nil)
		return funcs

    // 监听 CSINode、CSIDriver、CSIStorageCapacity、PersistentVolume、PersistentVolumeClaim、PodSchedulingContext、
    // ResourceClaim、ResourceClass、ResourceClaimParameters、ResourceClassParameters、StorageClass 等事件
	for gvk, at := range gvkMap {
		switch gvk {
		case framework.Node, framework.Pod:
			// Do nothing.
		case framework.CSINode:
		case framework.CSIDriver:
		case framework.CSIStorageCapacity:
		case framework.PersistentVolume:
		case framework.PersistentVolumeClaim:
		case framework.PodSchedulingContext:
		case framework.ResourceClaim:
		case framework.ResourceClass:
		case framework.ResourceClaimParameters:
		case framework.ResourceClassParameters:
		case framework.StorageClass:
	sched.registeredHandlers = handlers
	return nil

已调度 Pod

// assignedPod selects pods that are assigned (scheduled and running).
func assignedPod(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
	return len(pod.Spec.NodeName) != 0

通过代码 len(pod.Spec.NodeName) != 0 来判断是不是已调度过的 Pod,因为调度过的 Pod 这个字段总是会被赋予被选中的 Node 名称。但是,既然是调度过的 Pod,那代码中为什么还要区分 sched.addPodToCache 和 sched.updatePodInCache?原因在于可以在创建 Pod 时给它分配一个 Node(即给 pod.Spec.NodeName 赋值),kube-scheduler 在监听到该 Pod 后,判断这个 Pod 该字段不为空就会认为这个 Pod 已经被调度,就不太合理。

在监听到 Pod 后 sched.addPodToCache 和 sched.updatePodInCache 哪个会被调用,这是 Informer 所决定的,它会根据监听到变化的 Pod 和 Informer 的本地缓存做对比,要是缓存中没有这个 Pod,那么就调用 add 函数,否则就调用 update 函数。加入或更新缓存后,还需要去 unschedulablePods(调度失败的Pod) 中获取 Pod,这些 Pod 的亲和性和刚刚加入的这个 Pod 匹配,然后根据下面的规则判断是把 Pod 放入 backoffQ 还是放入 activeQ。

  • 根据 Pod 尝试被调度的次数计算这个 Pod 下次调度应该等待的时间,计算规则为指数级增长,即按照1s、2s、4s、8s时间进行等待,但是等待时间也不会无限增加,会受到 podMaxBackoffDuration(默认10s) 限制,参数表示 Pod 处于 backoff 的最大时间,如果等待的时间如果超过了 podMaxBackoffDuration,那么就只等待 podMaxBackoffDuration 就会再次被调度;
  • 当前时间 - 上次调度的时间 > 根据步骤 1 获取到的应该等待的时间,如果大于等待时间则把Pod放到activeQ里面,否则Pod被放入 backoff 队列里继续等待;

从上面可以看到,一个 Pod 的变更会触发此前调度失败的 Pod 被重新调度。

未调度 Pod

如果 pod.Spec.NodeName 为空,那么 Pod 可能是没有被调度过或者是此前调度过但是调度失败的,没有调度过的 Pod 直接加入到 activeQ,调度失败的 Pod 则根据上述规则判断是加入 backoffQ 队列还是 activeQ 队列,加入到 activeQ 会马上被取走,然后开始调度。因为调度失败而被放入 unscheduleable 的 Pod 还可以重新被调度么,有两种途径可以实现重新被调度。

  • 定期将 unscheduleable 的 Pod 放入 backoffQ 或 activeQ,或者定期将 backoffQ 等待超时的 Pod 放入 activeQ;
  • 集群内其他相关资源(Node、Pod、CSI等)发生变化时,判断 unscheduleable 中的 Pod 是不是要放入 backoffQ 或 activeQ;

对于第一种方式,在 kube-scheduler 启动的时候中会起两个协程,周期性将不可调度的 Pod 放入 backoffQ 或者 activeQ 队列,或者将 backoffQ 中超时的 Pod 放入 activeQ 队列;

// Run starts the goroutine to pump from podBackoffQ to activeQ
func (p *PriorityQueue) Run(logger klog.Logger) {
	go wait.Until(func() {
	}, 1.0*time.Second, p.stop)
	go wait.Until(func() {
	}, 30*time.Second, p.stop)

// flushBackoffQCompleted Moves all pods from backoffQ which have completed backoff in to activeQ
func (p *PriorityQueue) flushBackoffQCompleted(logger klog.Logger) {
	defer p.lock.Unlock()
	activated := false
	for {
		rawPodInfo := p.podBackoffQ.Peek()
		if rawPodInfo == nil {
		pInfo := rawPodInfo.(*framework.QueuedPodInfo)
		pod := pInfo.Pod
		if p.isPodBackingoff(pInfo) {
		_, err := p.podBackoffQ.Pop()
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error(err, "Unable to pop pod from backoff queue despite backoff completion", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
		if added, _ := p.addToActiveQ(logger, pInfo); added {
			logger.V(5).Info("Pod moved to an internal scheduling queue", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "event", BackoffComplete, "queue", activeQ)
			metrics.SchedulerQueueIncomingPods.WithLabelValues("active", BackoffComplete).Inc()
			activated = true

	if activated {

// flushUnschedulablePodsLeftover moves pods which stay in unschedulablePods
// longer than podMaxInUnschedulablePodsDuration to backoffQ or activeQ.
func (p *PriorityQueue) flushUnschedulablePodsLeftover(logger klog.Logger) {
	defer p.lock.Unlock()

	var podsToMove []*framework.QueuedPodInfo
	currentTime := p.clock.Now()
	for _, pInfo := range p.unschedulablePods.podInfoMap {
		lastScheduleTime := pInfo.Timestamp
        // 	DefaultPodMaxInUnschedulablePodsDuration time.Duration = 5 * time.Minute
		if currentTime.Sub(lastScheduleTime) > p.podMaxInUnschedulablePodsDuration {
			podsToMove = append(podsToMove, pInfo)

	if len(podsToMove) > 0 {
		p.movePodsToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, podsToMove, UnschedulableTimeout, nil, nil)

flushBackoffQCompleted 去 backoffQ 获取等待结束的 Pod,放入 activeQ 队列。将在 unscheduleable 里面停留时长超过 podMaxInUnschedulablePodsDuration(默认是 5min)的pod放入到 ActiveQ 或 BackoffQueue,具体是放到哪个队列里面,还是根据上文说的计算规则进行判断。

第二种方式,Kubernetes 集群中的资源发生变更会触发 Pod 被重新调度,如新增或者删除Node、Node 配置发生变更、已存在的 Pod 发生变更、新增或者删除 Pod、PV与PVC发生变更。Node 节点事件(新增 Node 节点、Node 节点配置更新等事件)。

func addAllEventHandlers(
    sched *Scheduler,
    informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory,
    dynInformerFactory dynamicinformer.DynamicSharedInformerFactory,
    gvkMap map[framework.GVK]framework.ActionType,
) error {
if handlerRegistration, err = informerFactory.Core().V1().Nodes().Informer().AddEventHandler(
			AddFunc:    sched.addNodeToCache,
			UpdateFunc: sched.updateNodeInCache,
			DeleteFunc: sched.deleteNodeFromCache,
	); err != nil {
		return err
	handlers = append(handlers, handlerRegistration)

func (sched *Scheduler) addNodeToCache(obj interface{}) {
	logger := sched.logger
	node, ok := obj.(*v1.Node)
	if !ok {
		logger.Error(nil, "Cannot convert to *v1.Node", "obj", obj)

	logger.V(3).Info("Add event for node", "node", klog.KObj(node))
	nodeInfo := sched.Cache.AddNode(logger, node)
	sched.SchedulingQueue.MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, queue.NodeAdd, nil, node, preCheckForNode(nodeInfo))

func preCheckForNode(nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) queue.PreEnqueueCheck {
	// Note: the following checks doesn't take preemption into considerations, in very rare
	// cases (e.g., node resizing), "pod" may still fail a check but preemption helps. We deliberately
	// chose to ignore those cases as unschedulable pods will be re-queued eventually.
	return func(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
		admissionResults := AdmissionCheck(pod, nodeInfo, false)
		if len(admissionResults) != 0 {
			return false
		_, isUntolerated := corev1helpers.FindMatchingUntoleratedTaint(nodeInfo.Node().Spec.Taints, pod.Spec.Tolerations, func(t *v1.Taint) bool {
			return t.Effect == v1.TaintEffectNoSchedule
		return !isUntolerated

// AdmissionCheck calls the filtering logic of noderesources/nodeport/nodeAffinity/nodename
// and returns the failure reasons. It's used in kubelet(pkg/kubelet/lifecycle/predicate.go) and scheduler.
// It returns the first failure if `includeAllFailures` is set to false; otherwise
// returns all failures.
func AdmissionCheck(pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo, includeAllFailures bool) []AdmissionResult {
    var admissionResults []AdmissionResult
    insufficientResources := noderesources.Fits(pod, nodeInfo)
    // 判断资源是否足够 
    if len(insufficientResources) != 0 {
        for i := range insufficientResources {
            admissionResults = append(admissionResults, AdmissionResult{InsufficientResource: &insufficientResources[i]})
        if !includeAllFailures {
            return admissionResults
    // Node 节点亲和性
    if matches, _ := corev1nodeaffinity.GetRequiredNodeAffinity(pod).Match(nodeInfo.Node()); !matches {
        admissionResults = append(admissionResults, AdmissionResult{Name: nodeaffinity.Name, Reason: nodeaffinity.ErrReasonPod})
        if !includeAllFailures {
            return admissionResults
    // 判断 Node Name 是否匹配 
    if !nodename.Fits(pod, nodeInfo) {
        admissionResults = append(admissionResults, AdmissionResult{Name: nodename.Name, Reason: nodename.ErrReason})
        if !includeAllFailures {
            return admissionResults
    // 判断节点 port 端口是否匹配
    if !nodeports.Fits(pod, nodeInfo) {
        admissionResults = append(admissionResults, AdmissionResult{Name: nodeports.Name, Reason: nodeports.ErrReason})
        if !includeAllFailures {
            return admissionResults
    return admissionResults

func (sched *Scheduler) updateNodeInCache(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
    logger := sched.logger
    oldNode, ok := oldObj.(*v1.Node)
    if !ok {
        logger.Error(nil, "Cannot convert oldObj to *v1.Node", "oldObj", oldObj)
    newNode, ok := newObj.(*v1.Node)
    if !ok {
        logger.Error(nil, "Cannot convert newObj to *v1.Node", "newObj", newObj)

    logger.V(4).Info("Update event for node", "node", klog.KObj(newNode))
    nodeInfo := sched.Cache.UpdateNode(logger, oldNode, newNode)
    // Only requeue unschedulable pods if the node became more schedulable.
    for _, evt := range nodeSchedulingPropertiesChange(newNode, oldNode) {
        sched.SchedulingQueue.MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, evt, oldNode, newNode, preCheckForNode(nodeInfo))

func nodeSchedulingPropertiesChange(newNode *v1.Node, oldNode *v1.Node) []framework.ClusterEvent {
	var events []framework.ClusterEvent
    // 节点可调度变更
	if nodeSpecUnschedulableChanged(newNode, oldNode) {
		events = append(events, queue.NodeSpecUnschedulableChange)
    // 节点可分配资源变更
	if nodeAllocatableChanged(newNode, oldNode) {
		events = append(events, queue.NodeAllocatableChange)
    // 节点标签变更
	if nodeLabelsChanged(newNode, oldNode) {
		events = append(events, queue.NodeLabelChange)
    // 节点污点变更
	if nodeTaintsChanged(newNode, oldNode) {
		events = append(events, queue.NodeTaintChange)
    // 节点状态变更
	if nodeConditionsChanged(newNode, oldNode) {
		events = append(events, queue.NodeConditionChange)
    // 节点注解变更
	if nodeAnnotationsChanged(newNode, oldNode) {
		events = append(events, queue.NodeAnnotationChange)
	return events

当新增 Node 节点时,以下因素可能会触发未被调度的Pod加入到 backoffQ 队列或者 activeQ 队列。

  • Pod 对 Node 节点的亲和性;
  • Pod 中 Nodename 不为空,判断新加入节点的 Name 与 pod Nodename 是否相等;
  • 判断 Pod 中容器对端口的要求是否和新加入节点已经被使用的端口冲突;
  • Pod 是否容忍了 Node 的已调度的 Pod;

当 Node 节点配置发生变更时,以下因素可能会触发未被调度的Pod加入到 backoffQ 队列或者 activeQ 队列。

  • 节点可调度变更
  • 节点可分配资源变更
  • 节点标签变更
  • 节点污点变更
  • 节点状态变更
  • 节点注解变更

Pod 事件(新增 Pod、删除 Pod 等事件)。已经存在的Pod发生变更后,会把这个Pod亲和性配置依次和 unscheduleable 里面的Pod匹配,如果能够匹配上,那么Pod更新这个事件才会触发这个未被调度的Pod加入到 backoffQ 队列或者 activeQ 队列。

// addAllEventHandlers is a helper function used in tests and in Scheduler
// to add event handlers for various informers.
func addAllEventHandlers(
	sched *Scheduler,
	informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory,
	dynInformerFactory dynamicinformer.DynamicSharedInformerFactory,
	gvkMap map[framework.GVK]framework.ActionType,
) error {
	// scheduled pod cache
	if handlerRegistration, err = informerFactory.Core().V1().Pods().Informer().AddEventHandler(
			Handler: cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
				AddFunc:    sched.addPodToCache,
				UpdateFunc: sched.updatePodInCache,
				DeleteFunc: sched.deletePodFromCache,
	); err != nil {
		return err

// 添加 Pod 事件
func (sched *Scheduler) addPodToCache(obj interface{}) {
	logger := sched.logger
	pod, ok := obj.(*v1.Pod)
	if !ok {
		logger.Error(nil, "Cannot convert to *v1.Pod", "obj", obj)

	logger.V(3).Info("Add event for scheduled pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	if err := sched.Cache.AddPod(logger, pod); err != nil {
		logger.Error(err, "Scheduler cache AddPod failed", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	sched.SchedulingQueue.AssignedPodAdded(logger, pod)

// AssignedPodAdded is called when a bound pod is added. Creation of this pod
// may make pending pods with matching affinity terms schedulable.
func (p *PriorityQueue) AssignedPodAdded(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) {
	p.movePodsToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, p.getUnschedulablePodsWithMatchingAffinityTerm(logger, pod), AssignedPodAdd, nil, pod)

// 更新 Pod 事件
func (sched *Scheduler) updatePodInCache(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
    logger := sched.logger
    oldPod, ok := oldObj.(*v1.Pod)
    if !ok {
        logger.Error(nil, "Cannot convert oldObj to *v1.Pod", "oldObj", oldObj)
    newPod, ok := newObj.(*v1.Pod)
    if !ok {
        logger.Error(nil, "Cannot convert newObj to *v1.Pod", "newObj", newObj)

    logger.V(4).Info("Update event for scheduled pod", "pod", klog.KObj(oldPod))
    if err := sched.Cache.UpdatePod(logger, oldPod, newPod); err != nil {
        logger.Error(err, "Scheduler cache UpdatePod failed", "pod", klog.KObj(oldPod))

    sched.SchedulingQueue.AssignedPodUpdated(logger, oldPod, newPod)

// AssignedPodUpdated is called when a bound pod is updated. Change of labels
// may make pending pods with matching affinity terms schedulable.
func (p *PriorityQueue) AssignedPodUpdated(logger klog.Logger, oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) {
    if isPodResourcesResizedDown(newPod) {
        p.moveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, AssignedPodUpdate, oldPod, newPod, nil)
    } else {
        p.movePodsToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, p.getUnschedulablePodsWithMatchingAffinityTerm(logger, newPod), AssignedPodUpdate, oldPod, newPod)

// getUnschedulablePodsWithMatchingAffinityTerm returns unschedulable pods which have
// any affinity term that matches "pod".
// NOTE: this function assumes lock has been acquired in caller.
func (p *PriorityQueue) getUnschedulablePodsWithMatchingAffinityTerm(logger klog.Logger, pod *v1.Pod) []*framework.QueuedPodInfo {
	nsLabels := interpodaffinity.GetNamespaceLabelsSnapshot(logger, pod.Namespace, p.nsLister)

	var podsToMove []*framework.QueuedPodInfo
	for _, pInfo := range p.unschedulablePods.podInfoMap {
		for _, term := range pInfo.RequiredAffinityTerms {
			if term.Matches(pod, nsLabels) {
				podsToMove = append(podsToMove, pInfo)

	return podsToMove

// 删除 Pod 事件
func (sched *Scheduler) deletePodFromCache(obj interface{}) {
	logger := sched.logger
	var pod *v1.Pod
	switch t := obj.(type) {
	case *v1.Pod:
		pod = t
	case cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown:
		var ok bool
		pod, ok = t.Obj.(*v1.Pod)
		if !ok {
			logger.Error(nil, "Cannot convert to *v1.Pod", "obj", t.Obj)
		logger.Error(nil, "Cannot convert to *v1.Pod", "obj", t)

	logger.V(3).Info("Delete event for scheduled pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	if err := sched.Cache.RemovePod(logger, pod); err != nil {
		logger.Error(err, "Scheduler cache RemovePod failed", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

    // preCheckForNode 为空
	sched.SchedulingQueue.MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(logger, queue.AssignedPodDelete, pod, nil, nil)

可以看到Pod删除事件不像其他事件需要做额外的判断,这个preCheck函数是空的,所有 unscheduleable 里面的Pod都会被放到 activeQ 队列或 backoffQ 队列中。

取出 Pod

Scheduler 中有个成员 NextPod 会从 activeQ 队列中尝试获取一个待调度的 Pod,该函数在 SchedulePod 中被调用。见源码 pkg/scheduler/scheduler.go,如下所示:

// Run begins watching and scheduling. It starts scheduling and blocked until the context is done.
// 启动 Scheduler
func (sched *Scheduler) Run(ctx context.Context) {
    logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)

    // We need to start scheduleOne loop in a dedicated goroutine,
    // because scheduleOne function hangs on getting the next item
    // from the SchedulingQueue.
    // If there are no new pods to schedule, it will be hanging there
    // and if done in this goroutine it will be blocking closing
    // SchedulingQueue, in effect causing a deadlock on shutdown.
    go wait.UntilWithContext(ctx, sched.ScheduleOne, 0)


    // If the plugins satisfy the io.Closer interface, they are closed.
    err := sched.Profiles.Close()
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error(err, "Failed to close plugins")

// 尝试调度 Pod
// ScheduleOne does the entire scheduling workflow for a single pod. It is serialized on the scheduling algorithm's host fitting.
func (sched *Scheduler) ScheduleOne(ctx context.Context) {
    // 会一直阻塞,直到获取到一个Pod
    // NextPod 对应于 PriorityQueue 的 Pop 函数
    podInfo, err := sched.NextPod(logger)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error(err, "Error while retrieving next pod from scheduling queue")
    pod := podInfo.Pod

Pop 会一直阻塞,直到 activeQ 长度大于0,然后去取出一个 Pod 返回,Pod() 函数如下所示:

// Pop removes the head of the active queue and returns it. It blocks if the
// activeQ is empty and waits until a new item is added to the queue. It
// increments scheduling cycle when a pod is popped.
func (p *PriorityQueue) Pop(logger klog.Logger) (*framework.QueuedPodInfo, error) {
	defer p.lock.Unlock()
	for p.activeQ.Len() == 0 {
		// When the queue is empty, invocation of Pop() is blocked until new item is enqueued.
		// When Close() is called, the p.closed is set and the condition is broadcast,
		// which causes this loop to continue and return from the Pop().
		if p.closed {
			logger.V(2).Info("Scheduling queue is closed")
			return nil, nil
	obj, err := p.activeQ.Pop()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	pInfo := obj.(*framework.QueuedPodInfo)
	// In flight, no concurrent events yet.
	if p.isSchedulingQueueHintEnabled {
		p.inFlightPods[pInfo.Pod.UID] = p.inFlightEvents.PushBack(pInfo.Pod)

	// Update metrics and reset the set of unschedulable plugins for the next attempt.
	for plugin := range pInfo.UnschedulablePlugins.Union(pInfo.PendingPlugins) {
		metrics.UnschedulableReason(plugin, pInfo.Pod.Spec.SchedulerName).Dec()

	return pInfo, nil

调度 Pod

源码见 pkg/scheduler/schedule_one.go,调度 Pod 到 Node 的过程如下所示:

// ScheduleOne does the entire scheduling workflow for a single pod. It is serialized on the scheduling algorithm's host fitting.
func (sched *Scheduler) ScheduleOne(ctx context.Context) {
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)
    // 取出 Pod
	podInfo, err := sched.NextPod(logger)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error(err, "Error while retrieving next pod from scheduling queue")
	// pod could be nil when schedulerQueue is closed
	if podInfo == nil || podInfo.Pod == nil {

	pod := podInfo.Pod
	// TODO(knelasevero): Remove duplicated keys from log entry calls
	// When contextualized logging hits GA
	// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/111672
	logger = klog.LoggerWithValues(logger, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	ctx = klog.NewContext(ctx, logger)
	logger.V(4).Info("About to try and schedule pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

    // 根据 Pod 名称,获取初始化好的调度框架(framework)
	fwk, err := sched.frameworkForPod(pod)
	if err != nil {
		// This shouldn't happen, because we only accept for scheduling the pods
		// which specify a scheduler name that matches one of the profiles.
		logger.Error(err, "Error occurred")
	if sched.skipPodSchedule(ctx, fwk, pod) {

	logger.V(3).Info("Attempting to schedule pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

	// Synchronously attempt to find a fit for the pod.
	start := time.Now()
	state := framework.NewCycleState()
    // 记录指标
	state.SetRecordPluginMetrics(rand.Intn(100) < pluginMetricsSamplePercent)

	// Initialize an empty podsToActivate struct, which will be filled up by plugins or stay empty.
	podsToActivate := framework.NewPodsToActivate()
	state.Write(framework.PodsToActivateKey, podsToActivate)

	schedulingCycleCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	defer cancel()

    // 开始执行调度周期
	scheduleResult, assumedPodInfo, status := sched.schedulingCycle(schedulingCycleCtx, state, fwk, podInfo, start, podsToActivate)
	if !status.IsSuccess() {
        // 如果获取节点失败,则开始运行 postFilter 开始抢占 Pod
		sched.FailureHandler(schedulingCycleCtx, fwk, assumedPodInfo, status, scheduleResult.nominatingInfo, start)

	// bind the pod to its host asynchronously (we can do this b/c of the assumption step above).
    // 主流程到了这里就结束了,然后开始新的一轮调度; 启动一个协程,开始绑定;
	go func() {
		bindingCycleCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
		defer cancel()

		defer metrics.Goroutines.WithLabelValues(metrics.Binding).Dec()

        // 开始绑定周期 bindingCycle
		status := sched.bindingCycle(bindingCycleCtx, state, fwk, scheduleResult, assumedPodInfo, start, podsToActivate)
		if !status.IsSuccess() {
			sched.handleBindingCycleError(bindingCycleCtx, state, fwk, assumedPodInfo, start, scheduleResult, status)
		// Usually, DonePod is called inside the scheduling queue,
		// but in this case, we need to call it here because this Pod won't go back to the scheduling queue.

源码见 pkg/scheduler/schedule_one.go,调度 Pod 到 Node 的调度周期如下所示:

// schedulingCycle tries to schedule a single Pod.
func (sched *Scheduler) schedulingCycle(
	ctx context.Context,
	state *framework.CycleState,
	fwk framework.Framework,
	podInfo *framework.QueuedPodInfo,
	start time.Time,
	podsToActivate *framework.PodsToActivate,
) (ScheduleResult, *framework.QueuedPodInfo, *framework.Status) {
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)
	pod := podInfo.Pod
    // 开始执行插件,包括 filter, socre 两个扩展点内的所有插件,获取一个最合适 Pod 的节点
	scheduleResult, err := sched.SchedulePod(ctx, fwk, state, pod)
	if err != nil {
		defer func() {
		if err == ErrNoNodesAvailable {
			status := framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable).WithError(err)
			return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode}, podInfo, status

		fitError, ok := err.(*framework.FitError)
		if !ok {
			logger.Error(err, "Error selecting node for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
			return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode}, podInfo, framework.AsStatus(err)

		// SchedulePod() may have failed because the pod would not fit on any host, so we try to
		// preempt, with the expectation that the next time the pod is tried for scheduling it
		// will fit due to the preemption. It is also possible that a different pod will schedule
		// into the resources that were preempted, but this is harmless.

		if !fwk.HasPostFilterPlugins() {
			logger.V(3).Info("No PostFilter plugins are registered, so no preemption will be performed")
			return ScheduleResult{}, podInfo, framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable).WithError(err)

		// Run PostFilter plugins to attempt to make the pod schedulable in a future scheduling cycle.
        // 如果获取节点失败,则开始运行 postFilter 开始抢占一个 Pod
		result, status := fwk.RunPostFilterPlugins(ctx, state, pod, fitError.Diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap)
		msg := status.Message()
		fitError.Diagnosis.PostFilterMsg = msg
		if status.Code() == framework.Error {
			logger.Error(nil, "Status after running PostFilter plugins for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "status", msg)
		} else {
			logger.V(5).Info("Status after running PostFilter plugins for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "status", msg)

		var nominatingInfo *framework.NominatingInfo
		if result != nil {
			nominatingInfo = result.NominatingInfo
		return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: nominatingInfo}, podInfo, framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable).WithError(err)

	// Tell the cache to assume that a pod now is running on a given node, even though it hasn't been bound yet.
	// This allows us to keep scheduling without waiting on binding to occur.
	assumedPodInfo := podInfo.DeepCopy()
	assumedPod := assumedPodInfo.Pod
	// assume modifies `assumedPod` by setting NodeName=scheduleResult.SuggestedHost
    // 将 Pod 放入 assumedPod,即乐观假设 Pod 已经调度成功
	err = sched.assume(logger, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
	if err != nil {
		// This is most probably result of a BUG in retrying logic.
		// We report an error here so that pod scheduling can be retried.
		// This relies on the fact that Error will check if the pod has been bound
		// to a node and if so will not add it back to the unscheduled pods queue
		// (otherwise this would cause an infinite loop).
		return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode}, assumedPodInfo, framework.AsStatus(err)

	// Run the Reserve method of reserve plugins.
    // 运行 Reserve 插件
	if sts := fwk.RunReservePluginsReserve(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost); !sts.IsSuccess() {
		// trigger un-reserve to clean up state associated with the reserved Pod
		fwk.RunReservePluginsUnreserve(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
		if forgetErr := sched.Cache.ForgetPod(logger, assumedPod); forgetErr != nil {
			logger.Error(forgetErr, "Scheduler cache ForgetPod failed")

		if sts.IsRejected() {
			fitErr := &framework.FitError{
				NumAllNodes: 1,
				Pod:         pod,
				Diagnosis: framework.Diagnosis{
					NodeToStatusMap: framework.NodeToStatusMap{scheduleResult.SuggestedHost: sts},
			return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode}, assumedPodInfo, framework.NewStatus(sts.Code()).WithError(fitErr)
		return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode}, assumedPodInfo, sts

	// Run "permit" plugins.
    // 运行 Permit 插件
	runPermitStatus := fwk.RunPermitPlugins(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
	if !runPermitStatus.IsWait() && !runPermitStatus.IsSuccess() {
		// trigger un-reserve to clean up state associated with the reserved Pod
		fwk.RunReservePluginsUnreserve(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
		if forgetErr := sched.Cache.ForgetPod(logger, assumedPod); forgetErr != nil {
			logger.Error(forgetErr, "Scheduler cache ForgetPod failed")

		if runPermitStatus.IsRejected() {
			fitErr := &framework.FitError{
				NumAllNodes: 1,
				Pod:         pod,
				Diagnosis: framework.Diagnosis{
					NodeToStatusMap: framework.NodeToStatusMap{scheduleResult.SuggestedHost: runPermitStatus},
			return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode}, assumedPodInfo, framework.NewStatus(runPermitStatus.Code()).WithError(fitErr)

		return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode}, assumedPodInfo, runPermitStatus

	// At the end of a successful scheduling cycle, pop and move up Pods if needed.
	if len(podsToActivate.Map) != 0 {
		sched.SchedulingQueue.Activate(logger, podsToActivate.Map)
		// Clear the entries after activation.
		podsToActivate.Map = make(map[string]*v1.Pod)

	return scheduleResult, assumedPodInfo, nil

源码见 pkg/scheduler/schedule_one.go,调度 Pod 到 Node 的绑定周期如下所示:

// bindingCycle tries to bind an assumed Pod.
func (sched *Scheduler) bindingCycle(
	ctx context.Context,
	state *framework.CycleState,
	fwk framework.Framework,
	scheduleResult ScheduleResult,
	assumedPodInfo *framework.QueuedPodInfo,
	start time.Time,
	podsToActivate *framework.PodsToActivate) *framework.Status {
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)

	assumedPod := assumedPodInfo.Pod

	// Run "permit" plugins.
    // 执行 permit 插件
	if status := fwk.WaitOnPermit(ctx, assumedPod); !status.IsSuccess() {
		if status.IsRejected() {
			fitErr := &framework.FitError{
				NumAllNodes: 1,
				Pod:         assumedPodInfo.Pod,
				Diagnosis: framework.Diagnosis{
					NodeToStatusMap:      framework.NodeToStatusMap{scheduleResult.SuggestedHost: status},
					UnschedulablePlugins: sets.New(status.Plugin()),
			return framework.NewStatus(status.Code()).WithError(fitErr)
		return status

	// Run "prebind" plugins.
    // 执行 preBind 插件
	if status := fwk.RunPreBindPlugins(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost); !status.IsSuccess() {
		return status

	// Run "bind" plugins.
    // 执行 bind 插件,会调用 kube-apiserver 把调度结果写入 etcd,就是给 Pod 赋予 NodeName
	if status := sched.bind(ctx, fwk, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost, state); !status.IsSuccess() {
		return status

	// Calculating nodeResourceString can be heavy. Avoid it if klog verbosity is below 2.
	logger.V(2).Info("Successfully bound pod to node", "pod", klog.KObj(assumedPod), "node", scheduleResult.SuggestedHost, "evaluatedNodes", scheduleResult.EvaluatedNodes, "feasibleNodes", scheduleResult.FeasibleNodes)
	metrics.PodScheduled(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
	if assumedPodInfo.InitialAttemptTimestamp != nil {
	// Run "postbind" plugins.
    // 执行 postbind 插件
	fwk.RunPostBindPlugins(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)

	// At the end of a successful binding cycle, move up Pods if needed.
	if len(podsToActivate.Map) != 0 {
		sched.SchedulingQueue.Activate(logger, podsToActivate.Map)
		// Unlike the logic in schedulingCycle(), we don't bother deleting the entries
		// as `podsToActivate.Map` is no longer consumed.

	return nil

Pod 调度到 Node 上的流程可以简述如下:

  • informer 监听到了有新建 Pod,根据 Pod 的优先级把 Pod 加入到 activeQ 中适当位置(即执行sort插件);
  • scheduler 从 activeQ 队头取一个Pod(如果队列没有Pod可取,则会一直阻塞);
  • 执行 filter 类型扩展点(包括preFilter、filter、postFilter)插件,选出所有符合 Pod 的 Node,如果无法找到符合的 Node, 则把 Pod 加入 unscheduleableQ 中,此次调度结束;
  • 执行 score 扩展点插件,找出最符合 Pod 的 那个Node;
  • assume Pod 这一步就是乐观假设 Pod 已经调度成功,更新缓存中 Node 和 PodStats 信息,scheduling cycle 周期就已经结束,然后会开启新的一轮调度;至于真正的绑定,则会新起一个协程;
  • 执行 reserve 插件;
  • 启动协程绑定 Pod 到 Node上。实际上就是修改 Pod.spec.nodeName,然后调用 kube-apiserver 接口写入 etcd。如果绑定失败,那么移除缓存中此前加入的信息,然后把 Pod 放入activeQ 中,后续重新调度;
  • 执行 postBinding;


1、preFilter 与 Filter 有什么区别?

像我们常见的 nodeSelector/Pod Affinity 等使用的是 PreFilter,而像 nodeName 使用的是 Filter。

2、直接在 Pod Spec 模板下填写 nodeName 字段,Pod 调度还会经过 Scheduler 调度周期与绑定周期?

会经过 Scheduler Framework 调度周期,以 Kubernetes 1.26.9 源码为例,见 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/v1.26.9/pkg/scheduler/eventhandlers.go#L186,当调整 kube-scheduler 日志等级 v=10 时,kube-scheduler 日志依然可以监听 Add/Update/Delete Pod 事件,如下所示:

I0417 11:40:02.160555       1 eventhandlers.go:186] "Add event for scheduled pod" pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-g6zzq"
I0417 11:40:02.185169       1 eventhandlers.go:206] "Update event for scheduled pod" pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-g6zzq"
I0417 11:40:02.757130       1 eventhandlers.go:206] "Update event for scheduled pod" pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-g6zzq"

kubelet 的日志如下所示:

kubelet 的日志如下所示:
Apr 17 19:46:19 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:19.298368    4170 kubelet.go:2199] "SyncLoop ADD" source="api" pods="[default/nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8]"
Apr 17 19:46:19 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:19.298414    4170 topology_manager.go:210] "Topology Admit Handler" podUID=d054e76b-1d9b-4788-9fc7-b35165ab02fb podNamespace="default" podName="nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8"
Apr 17 19:46:19 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: E0417 19:46:19.298465    4170 cpu_manager.go:395] "RemoveStaleState: removing container" podUID="2e6143f6-fb20-4707-8497-5613b46f6292" containerName="nginx"
Apr 17 19:46:19 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:19.298475    4170 state_mem.go:107] "Deleted CPUSet assignment" podUID="2e6143f6-fb20-4707-8497-5613b46f6292" containerName="nginx"
Apr 17 19:46:19 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:19.298521    4170 memory_manager.go:346] "RemoveStaleState removing state" podUID="2e6143f6-fb20-4707-8497-5613b46f6292" containerName="nginx"
Apr 17 19:46:19 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:19.419170    4170 reconciler_common.go:253] "operationExecutor.VerifyControllerAttachedVolume started for volume \"kube-api-access-kq8x5\" (UniqueName: \"kubernetes.io/projected/d054e76b-1d9b-4788-9fc7-b35165ab02fb-kube-api-access-kq8x5\") pod \"nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8\" (UID: \"d054e76b-1d9b-4788-9fc7-b35165ab02fb\") " pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8"
Apr 17 19:46:19 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:19.520363    4170 reconciler_common.go:228] "operationExecutor.MountVolume started for volume \"kube-api-access-kq8x5\" (UniqueName: \"kubernetes.io/projected/d054e76b-1d9b-4788-9fc7-b35165ab02fb-kube-api-access-kq8x5\") pod \"nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8\" (UID: \"d054e76b-1d9b-4788-9fc7-b35165ab02fb\") " pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8"
Apr 17 19:46:19 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:19.534007    4170 operation_generator.go:740] "MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume \"kube-api-access-kq8x5\" (UniqueName: \"kubernetes.io/projected/d054e76b-1d9b-4788-9fc7-b35165ab02fb-kube-api-access-kq8x5\") pod \"nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8\" (UID: \"d054e76b-1d9b-4788-9fc7-b35165ab02fb\") " pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8"
Apr 17 19:46:19 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:19.618021    4170 util.go:30] "No sandbox for pod can be found. Need to start a new one" pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8"
Apr 17 19:46:20 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:20.280279    4170 kubelet.go:2231] "SyncLoop (PLEG): event for pod" pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8" event=&{ID:d054e76b-1d9b-4788-9fc7-b35165ab02fb Type:ContainerStarted Data:007c2d8915cce53c32d6c4e3b1496fe80441e7a0abbbb3baa4802c7e14cd61f6}
Apr 17 19:46:20 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:20.280307    4170 kubelet.go:2231] "SyncLoop (PLEG): event for pod" pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8" event=&{ID:d054e76b-1d9b-4788-9fc7-b35165ab02fb Type:ContainerStarted Data:644d543bd5d5b89412fdd5b2c36ab961749391f99cbdcb5602a2bd9ee1a042d7}
Apr 17 19:46:20 8rnr7mhj-nhcz55ua kubelet[4170]: I0417 19:46:20.296305    4170 pod_startup_latency_tracker.go:102] "Observed pod startup duration" pod="default/nginx-cb8956d5f-c5zh8" podStartSLOduration=1.296279865 pod.CreationTimestamp="2024-04-17 19:46:19 +0800 CST" firstStartedPulling="0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC" lastFinishedPulling="0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC" observedRunningTime="2024-04-17 19:46:20.295142614 +0800 CST m=+465268.893586305" watchObservedRunningTime="2024-04-17 19:46:20.296279865 +0800 CST m=+465268.894723600"exit